how to tag



Cardstock: Tags must be printed on white card stock, we recommend 65lb weight. Do not use textured card stock; the tags will bleed and will not scan.


Hangers:  Wire hangers - like the dry cleaner hangers


Safety Pins: One inch or larger 


Clear Gallon sized Bags : ziplocs


Clear Packing Tape


Zip ties      




  • For clothing, please list the size in numbers only (3 months, 4T, 10/12, etc.) except for maternity or Junior sizes. If your child’s clothing is sized with a letter, please use an appropriate number approximation.
  • All clothing must be securely fastened on hangers with the hook facing to the left.
  • Pin tags vertically on the right shoulder (as you look at the hanger). Clothing with more than one piece must be pinned together.
  • Use one inch or larger safety pins on the tags (no straight pins or small gold safety pins), placing the pin horizontally across the tiny print catching the card twice.





It is very important to double tape (w/ clear packaging tape your tag) to your item. If the tag isn't taped twice the risk of losing the tag increases, then we can't sell your item!

  • Group small items together in a Ziploc bag.
  • Use clear packing tape (no scotch or masking tape) to seal the bag shut so that little hands cannot remove pieces.
  • Use clear packing tape (no scotch or masking tape) to tape the tag to the outside of the bag.
  • Please do not put tape over the barcodes.
  • Should be clean, have all parts, and any small pieces should be in a Ziploc bag, securely attached to the main piece with clear packaging tape. 
  • Shoes should be placed in a Ziploc bag with the tag taped to the outside of the bag or zip tie shoes together, then pin the tag to the shoes (we accept 10 pairs of shoes).
  • We accept up to 850 items total.